How Stuff Works Quiz What Type of Guy
What Type of Man Do You Belong With?
By: Talin Vartanian
5 Min Quiz
About This Quiz
The wonderful world of dating may seem like a fun game to play, but it can be very difficult for some people. And we understand, because the perfect man needs to share the same interests and hobbies as you. So before you go searching for Mr. Right, you'll need to figure out what type of man you're compatible with!
And that's what this romantic quiz is all about, because relationship chemistry isn't always apparent at first. This type of chemistry is about feeling an emotional connection as well as the "spark" with that special someone. And while such chemistry may feel strong at first, the true test of a relationship comes a few months later. You'll start to see someone for who they really are (otherwise known as someone's "true colors"), which may include some of their flaws, negative personality traits and quirks. After all, a relationship is not always rainbows and butterflies, because real chemistry takes some work to maintain. But if this feels effortless for you, then maybe you've found Mr. Right after all! So whether you've already found that special someone or you're still looking for him, this romantic quiz will determine what your real type is!
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How Stuff Works Quiz What Type of Guy
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