Family Guy Butter on a Pop Tart Episode

Griffin and Guagmire is the name of the musical duo consisting of Peter Griffin and Glenn Quagmire. In season 12 episode 7 of Family unit Guy (titled "Into Harmony's Style"), the 2 friends teamed up to write and sing songs. The start of these songs is the subject of today's assay.

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Take You Always Put Butter On A Poptart? (Information technology'southward So Freakin' Adept)

The song we'll be going over is perfect for assessing the level of clever symbolism that can be seen in all songs past Griffin and Quagmire. This vocal is their kickoff of many featured in the episode, titled "Poptart."

Withour further ado, let's see what makes this song and so ingenious.

Together: Accept you ever put butter on a Popular Tart?

It's so frickin' good

Take you lot ever put butter on a Pop Tart?

If you haven't then I recollect yous should

Peter: I was sittin' in the kitchen

1 mean solar day, and I was itchin'

To fill up my abdomen

With the pipin' hot jelly

Of the best damn treat in the world

Quagmire: He'southward talkin' Popular Tarts!

Peter: And I saw a stick of butter

And it virtually made me shudder

And scream like a baby girl

This song begins by posing a question regarding the titular nutrient item, "Have you ever put butter on a poptart?" Followed by an immediate response, "It'southward so freakin' good."

Something that even die hard fans of Family Guy failed to realize is that this song is actually incredibly meta. Peter and Quagmire request the audience about the combination of a poptart and butter is representative of the writers of Family Guy and their procedure when coming up with the concept for the episode. Butter on a poptart is symbolic of the combination of Peter and Quagmire. When yous put the two together, their music is so freakin' skillful.

This is further backed upwardly by the specific mention of butter, which is a callback to flavour 11, episode 16, "12 and a Half Angry Men." In this episode, in order to solve a case, Quagmire arranges the jury members into the positions seen in an orgy. Once everyone has taken their position, Quagmire assumes his ain position which he calls The Butter Pat.

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The overall message is articulate, that beingness that Quagmire, like butter, enhances the quality of Peter's already stellar singing.

This vocal expresses Peter'south credible habit of putting butter on everything, which is later referenced in season 14's first episode, "Pilling Them Softly." In contrast to Into Harmony's Fashion, this episode has Peter and Quagmire competing against each other in a cooking competition. Peter uses nigh exclusively butter, and the final showdown has both chefs use butter as the main ingredient.

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Butter serves every bit a recurring symbol for Peter and Quagmire'south friendship. Although they're good together at their best, their relationship isn't exactly always healthy. Peter sometimes uses and abuses Quagmire, an example being in the flavor 12 episode "Brian's A Bad Father," where Peter shoots Quagmire in the arm.

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Together: I don't want a giant penis

Or a rocket ship to Venus

I don't want to win the lottery

I merely want to squat and gobble

'Til I'm dizzy and I wobble

In a butter, fruit and dough tart dream

The lines "I don't want a giant penis or a rocket ship to Venus; I don't wanna win the lottery" may straight reference episode i of season x, "Lottery Fever." In that episode, Peter wins the lottery and some of the money goes to fund a penis-enlargement pill created by someone Quagmire knows.

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Though the rocket trip to Venus doesn't happen, the other two things seem to clearly call back to this episode, pregnant it's likely just at that place for the rhyme. Otherwise, the specific mention of Venus (the planet named subsequently the goddess of dearest and beauty) may call all the way back to season 2, episode 17, "He's As well Sexy For His Fatty." This episode sees Peter getting major surgical work done to become beautiful. "A rocket transport to Venus" could hateful "a quick route to beauty," which Peter took in that episode.

He said the thing

Either style, all three things mentioned are desires that the characters accept, yet they claim that they'd rather have butter on a poptart. This is a deep and heartfelt bulletin, stating that the two value their friendship over any of their worldly desires. It solidifies the depth of their friendship and so that the viewer is invested afterwards on when they begin to quarrel and disband, and we feel happy for them in the end where they both make up AND make out.

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And then I put butter on a Popular Tart

It was then freakin' skillful

Have y'all ever put butter on a Popular Tart?

If you haven't then I think you should

Quagmire: Everybody come along with us!

Together: Have you ever put butter on a...

Audition: Pop Tart!

Together: It's so freakin' practiced

Quagmire: Yeah!

Together: Accept you ever put butter on a...

Audience: Pop Tart!

Together: If you haven't then I think you should

Quagmire: Popular Tart!

Peter: With butter?!

Near the stop, nosotros have another meta moment when Quagmire asks the audience to sing along. The audition is representative of the viewers, who are happily going along with the fun and charming hijinks of Peter and Quagmire.

Peter ends the song off by exclaiming "With butter?!" in order to point out how odd the concept of the combination is. Similarly, he and Quagmire beingness able to sing in perfect harmony sounds farfetched, only like butter on a poptart, it works out incredibly well.

In Conclusion...

It'southward astonishing how much meaning was put into a short little gag song. Information technology goes without saying that the writers of Family Guy deserve recognition for the masterful lyrics they've created. Not only is it thematically relevant to the episode, only manages to sneak in some very subtle references that will breeze past even the most hardcore Family Guy fanatics.

I believe it is simply a matter of fourth dimension before scholars look back and fully come to understand and respect this episode for it's cleverness and unrivaled skill in manipulating language to create an engaging slice of music that will undoubtedly go down in history.


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